Your Protections Under the Georgia Whistleblower Act

Whistleblowers risk their personal and professional lives to provide information about fraud and other illegal activities. They are willing to come forward to report crimes or other violations that would otherwise go unnoticed and are invaluable in the detection of crime, fraud, and other legal violations and the enforcement of laws. Whistleblowing is effective because…

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Whistleblower Retaliation Involving the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)

Whistleblowing is gaining recognition as an essential way to help ensure the transparency and integrity of public companies. However, encouraging insiders to disclose information about corporate wrongdoing would be extremely challenging to obtain without offering informants legal protection for doing so, since whistleblowers often face harsh reprisals for coming forward. Here’s an example: In 2021,…

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Whistleblower Lawsuit Filed Against HUD Secretary

A federal official has just filed a whistleblower complaint alleging that she was demoted for refusing to go over budget and pay more than was allowed to decorate Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson’s office. According to the sworn complaint filed with the Office of Special Counsel, the official was instructed to “find money”…

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Whistleblower Lawsuit Alleges CMO Was Terminated for Reporting Fraud

The chief medical officer of a large medical center in the southeast has just sued the hospital in a whistleblower lawsuit asserting that he fired after he testified about the hospital’s alleged improper admissions practices, patient safety concerns, and that it provided potentially fraudulent information to Medicare and Medicaid. Several different whistleblower laws exist in…

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Bank Found Liable for Violating Whistleblower Law

A federal jury has just found JP Morgan Chase liable for unlawful retaliation in violation of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. According to the whistleblower lawsuit, a former wealth manager flagged a wealthy client of the bank for potential fraud and money laundering. Shortly thereafter, she was fired. The jury agreed, and found that she should be pain…

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Whistleblower trial asserts executive suffered retaliation after reporting fraud

Recent employment law news reports that the trial has just begun in a whistleblower suit against a mutual funds group. A high level executive of the group asserted that after she complained that the company may have defrauded investors, the company conducted “a campaign of retaliation” against her. Whistleblower laws were designed to protect employees…

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Can I Get Fired for What I Say on Social Media?

While having your parents on social media following your accounts might be widely considered as embarrassing, having your employer or boss do the same can be far worse. Everything you say on Facebook, Twitter, and other popular websites and applications can come back to bite you, especially if it directly insults your workplace or is…

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Whistleblower Case Upheld by ALJ

Last month, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Administrative Review Board (ARB) rendered a decision upholding an Administrative Law Judge’s pro-whistleblower decision under the Sabanes- Oxley Act (often referred to as SOX these days). The ALJ in Kalkunte v. DVI Financial Services, Inc., a case decided in 2005, held that a privately-held company acting as a contractor,…

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