What Should You Do if You’re Being Sexually Harassed at Work?

Sexual harassment occurs when unwelcome sexual conduct in the workplace is either severe or pervasive. That is, you have either experienced an over-the-top direct unwelcome sexual overture, perhaps physical in nature, or, over time, you have experienced less overt, but nonetheless, sexually unwelcome conduct repeatedly or on an ongoing basis. Such conduct can include sexual…

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Sexual Harassment and the Gender Pay Gap

According to recent statistics, a substantial wage gap exists between men and women. For the last two decades, the gap has sat at around 20%, with men earning roughly one-fifth more than women. In some situations, where pay disparity exists, it may be possible to show sex discrimination. For example, if you are able to…

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Employers must respond to sexual harassment allegations

The recent high profile sexual harassment charges have been a watershed moment in United States history, exposing an all too common problem at American work places. It also raises a question about what employers should do when they learn of complaints against supervisors and/or co-workers acting inappropriately. When an employee complains about sexual harassment, failing…

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Recognizing Signs of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Sexual harassment and sexual assault are two serious issues that workplaces have to constantly be on the lookout for. Unfortunately, despite a culture which encourages anonymous whistleblowers and reporting those who perpetrate these acts, a number of people will still refuse to come forward, leaving perpetrators to walk away consequence-free. However, you can help your…

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Historic Ruling Finds Title VII Prohibits Sexual Orientation Discrimination

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits various forms of employment discrimination including discriminating “based on” sex. Courts have disagreed whether this includes sexual orientation.  In a historic decision, a Pennsylvania District Court held that it does, explicitly finding that prohibited sex discrimination under Title VII includes sexual orientation discrimination. In U.S. EEOC v. Scott Medical Heath…

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Sexual Harassment Not Easily Defined

A class-action lawsuit alleging sexual harassment and discrimination has been filed against Ford Motor Company. Twenty-nine women additional have just joined the suit, which was originally filed by 33 women – with many more saying they would like to join but fear retaliation. The women set forth several instances of alleged harassing behavior including male…

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Sex Discimination Case Filed Against Costco

This past week, the EEOC filed a sex discrimination case against retail giant Costco. The Title VII lawsuit alleges that Costco violated federal sex discrimination laws when it failed to protect a female employee from unwanted sexual advances made by a customer. According to the lawsuit although the woman repeatedly complained to her managers about…

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