Sexual Harassment Not Easily Defined

A class-action lawsuit alleging sexual harassment and discrimination has been filed against Ford Motor Company. Twenty-nine women additional have just joined the suit, which was originally filed by 33 women – with many more saying they would like to join but fear retaliation.

The women set forth several instances of alleged harassing behavior including male supervisors asking women to take pictures of their private parts, as well as discriminatory actions such as being denied overtime and job opportunities.

While sexual harassment is probably one of the most well-known forms of employment discrimination – it is not always easily defined. It is more than just a single leering look, name-calling, or sexual advance. Instead, you must prove that you have been engaged in conduct that creates such a hostile environment based on your sex that is sufficiently severe and pervasive to alter the terms and conditions of your employment.

Further, if you are subjected to a steady stream of unwelcome and offensive conduct based on your sex, and your employer does nothing about it, you may have a strong claim of sexual harassment.

Here, while some changes in management have been made, the women assert that nothing has really changed and that their complaints “haven’t been heard.”

Previously, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has determined employees were victims of sexual harassment, race discrimination and retaliation.

For more information or if you believe that you have been the victim of sexual harassment or discrimination, please contact the experienced Atlanta sexual harassment lawyers at Buckley Bala Wilson Mew LLP for an immediate case evaluation.