Violations of FLSA at Horse Training Facility May Lead to Wage and Hour Lawsuit

Although the world of horse racing may seem glamorous, a recent investigation has revealed that significant workplace violations against a major training facility.  According to filings, the horse racing trainer and his company failed to pay numerous workers what they were entitled to, violating the terms of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the H-2B non-immigrant…

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Is my employer required to pay me for work breaks?

Many employees have questions concerning their right to compensation during breaks – and when they are entitled to paid lunch and work breaks.  Workers may feel disgruntled if they perceive co-workers are getting away with taking more breaks than they are – such as is common when some workers take smoke breaks and others don’t.…

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Common Wage and Hour Concerns

Employees have several common wage and hour questions, and while some variations exist, it is important to have a basic understanding of your rights. If you have questions, consulting with an experienced Atlanta wage and hour lawyer is encouraged to protect your rights to compensation. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), provides numerous protections, including…

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Spending Bill Provides Protections to Tipped Workers

Congress has just passed its new proposed spending bill, which includes a welcome provision protecting restaurant workers ability to keep the tips they earn. The bill sets forth that owners and managers may not retain the tips earned by tipped employees, as many feared when the current administration announced its plans to all employers to share in…

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Where do employers make the most wage and hour mistakes?

Federal law, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), along with numerous state and local regulations, provide wage and hour regulations employers must follow. However, the laws are constantly updating and evolving, resulting in some fairly common wage and hour mistakes. One of the leading areas where employers make errors is failing to pay employees the requisite…

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FLSA Opinion Letters Re-Issued

Late last week, the Department of Labor has reinstated nearly 20 “opinion letters” that had been published during the Bush Administration, but not been followed during the Obama years. These opinions serve as guidance to employers on how the DOL will enforce certain aspects of federal labor law, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The…

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