The Protecting Older Americans Act Is Good Policy

Two years ago, a federal law exempting sexual assault cases from mandatory arbitration became law. Now advocates want the federal government to do the same for age discrimination claims. Although the Seventh Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right to a jury trial, millions of Americans are instead forced into mandatory arbitration by clauses…

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When are Ageist Slurs Evidence of Discrimination?

Recently the phrase “Ok, boomer” has exploded in use – with it becoming a generational put-down against older Americans who seem out of touch with issues of the day. The phrase has been used by younger generations to refer to baby boomers, who are currently 55-73 years old. This slur has now made it into…

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Georgia City Sued for Age Discrimination

News reports that the city of Savannah, Georgia is being sued for age discrimination. The city has denied the charges. The age discrimination claim is based on allegations that the city failed to hire a 73-year-old man who requested a lower salary and instead hired a 48-year-old man who asked for $15,000 more. The older…

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Lawsuit Asserts Amazon Ads Violate Age Discrimination Laws

A new lawsuit asserts that Amazon, Facebook and T-Mobile are using discriminatory practices by targeting potential new hires through the use of Facebook ads. The age discrimination lawsuit alleges that such practices violate “various state laws prohibiting age discrimination in employment,” according to a lawsuit filed Wednesday in federal court in San Francisco. The lawsuit…

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Screening Questions May Be Discriminatory

As baby boomers reach and surpass traditional retirement age, many wish to continue working. However, if you don’t already have a job, finding work as an older applicant can be challenging. A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of California Irvine found that the call back rate for older workers was highest for…

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